"What people do not understand is that there is no proof of "Man-Made" Global Warming without using irrelevant computer models. Yes computer models have a place in engineering but are utterly useless at fortune telling, I mean "climate prediction". With engineering you can build and test in the real world to confirm the computer model's accuracy. You can do no such thing with the planet Earth and it's climate. You cannot build a planet and it's atmosphere to "test" your computer climate model.
I am a computer analyst and can program a computer model to do whatever I want. If you program a computer model so that X amount of CO2 increase "forces" X amount of temperature increase then it will happen, this does not make this true in the real world."
The author of Popular Technology is not a computer analyst: he just altered his CV to give his blog more credence. His previous CV made it clear he was a help desk support worker/technician. That's a different kettle of fish.
Andrew K. is a Computer Analyst who has held various IT level positions and has been using computers for over 25 years starting with the TI-99/4A back in 1981. He has an extensive knowledge of DOS, Windows 3.x, 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and Vista operatings systems, computer security, computer diagnostics, hardware diagnostics and computer systems analysis. He has supported thousands of clients over the years including end users, educational institutions, governmental organizations and small to medium sized businesses. At last estimate he has taken 30,000+ support calls and worked on and assembled over 5000+ systems, from desktops to servers. His extensive technical knowledge and personal customer related experience has allowed him to seamlessly transfer his knowledge online in a clear and concise way. Computers are not Andrew K's hobby, they are his job.
Andrew K. has been using computers for over 25 years starting with the TI-99/4A back in 1981. For over 15 years he has been helping people solve their PC problems. Over the years he has held various IT level positions including Helpdesk Support, Technician, Technical Service Manager and OEM Branch Manager which included other duties such as Sales and Marketing. He has an extensive knowledge of DOS, Windows 3.x, 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP. Being A+ and Dell certified he has supported thousands of clients over the years including end users, educational institutions, governmental organizations and small to medium sized businesses. At last estimate he has taken 15,000+ support calls and worked on and assembled over 5000+ systems. His extensive technical knowledge and personal customer related experience has allowed him to seamlessly transfer his knowledge online in a clear and concise way. Computers are not Andrew K's hobby, they are his job.
sounds Like a US election scenario.
"You Know Joe the Plumber is not a real Plumber because he does not have a License" How many Alarmists as Ever publicly stated "Al Gore is not a scientist"? or Corrected the IPCCs claimed about the 2500 scientist with the AR4 report? How about NASA J Nansen who as we speak is again fudging data (a la MBH98/99) to create a new Hockey stick for the Obama Presidency? Have any of the Alarmist Ever protested against such practise? Then we have Desmogblog Run by Alternative Energy Investors and DenialismBlog run by some lawyer or Exxon secrets run by Greenpeace etc..Not one of them have Climatologist let alone scientists on board and The list goes on and on and not a word of indignation is ever heard.But we have a Climatologist Like Tim Ball who just happen to have accepted a $800.00 expense bill for a speech in Calgary and unaware that $125.00 of the $800.00 was from an Oil executive for his fuel cost,his credibility and 30 some years of teaching was attack and he was labelled as a stooge for the Oil Companies.( whatever that means is still unclear) The Converted to this New religion do not seem to be able to practise what they preach.Instead the Messenger is attack not the message. This must mean that the Message is not wrong.
If the messenger had integrity, then he wouldn't be attacked.
Lame post without substance.
I will have to say science challenged individuals are the only ones believing in AGW... No Integrity needed.
GISS Releases (Suspect) October 2008 Data
10 11 2008
I was right Hansen was falsifying data again!
October 2008 “warmest” October on record (according to GISS)
2005 temperature revised upward
we have learned that the Russian data in NOAA’s GHCN v2.mean dataset is corrupted. For most (if not all) stations in Russia, the September data has been replicated as October data, artificially raising the October temperature many degrees. The data from NOAA is used by GISS to calculate the global temperature. Thus the record-setting anomaly for October 2008 is invalid and we await the highly-publicised corrections from NOAA and GISS.
GISS (Goddard Institute of Space Studies) Surface Temperature Analysis (GISSTemp) released their monthly global temperature anomaly data for October 2008. Following is the monthly global ∆T from January to October 2008:
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