Global Warming - more wet droughts and dry floods.
What's next, wet droughts and dry floods?
Comments and reports about global warming are getting silly and even
We're told cooling is due to warming. More rain and flooding and less rain
and drought are both due to warming. More hurricanes are predicted while
fewer occur. Global temperatures declined as much in the first few months of
2008 as they increased in the previous 100-plus years due to warming. Every
natural event has now become unnatural.
What is next on the scary agenda, wet droughts and dry floods?
More and more people are questioning and learning about the bad science.
They see and hear the contradictions in the claims, the failure of previous
disaster predictions. Enough reports trickle through to raise questions
about previous threats.
Actually, ridiculous statements and definitive claims of doom are a good
sign. Good because they are a sign of desperation as evidence accumulates
that human CO2 is not causing warming or climate change. Good because people
and governments are changing their positions faced with the evidence and the
costs already incurred by wrong policies and actions. Good because
governments are coming to their senses and getting their priorities right.
Unless you live in B.C.
Al Gore's 10-year threat implies a tipping point. James Hansen and others
similarly warn we are close to such a point. Ironically, we are reaching a
tipping point, but it is not the one they would like. Rather it is the
tipping point created by their extremism. A point were the increasing claims
and threats become so irrational and ridiculous that they force people to
change their perspective even if they still don't understand the science.
We heard 14 years ago: " In 10 to 12 years we will reach the tipping
To the zealots, this obvious discrepancy is easily miss since asking
question within this new religion is forbidden, let alone being allowed to
talk to "outsiders," commonly known amongst the converted as "deniers,"
consequently showing how weak the science they try so desperately to defend
Al Gore and James Hansen are still defending the year 1998 as being the
warmest year in the past 100, while denying that the temperature data show a
steadied temperature and even a slight decrease of -0.07C in the last 10
We are in 2008 and if 1998 is the warmest year as these alarmists claim,
then they contradict themselves and confirm that we are indeed in the 10th
year of no temperature increase.
Japanese scientist, IPCC reviewer and Nobel prize winner Dr Kiminori
Itosh, is the 11th IPCC AR4 report writer to quit the IPCC and call climate
fears: "The worst scientific scandal in history! When people come to know
what the truth is ,they will feel deceived by science and scientists."
W. Robichaud
Williams Lake
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