Monday, September 8, 2008

Oil reserve

Are we running out of Oil?

- 1.8 to 6 Trillion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Oil-Shale Reserves (DOE)
- 986 Billion barrels of oil are estimated using Coal-to-liquids (CTL) conversion of U.S. Coal Reserves (DOE)
- 173 to 315 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the Oil Sands of Alberta, Canada (Alberta Department of Energy)
- 100 Billion barrels of heavy oil are estimated in the U.S. (DOE)
- 90 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the Arctic (USGS)
- 89 Billion barrels of immobile oil are estimated recoverable using CO2 injection in the U.S. (DOE)
- 86 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (MMS)
- 60 to 80 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in U.S. Tar Sands (DOE)
- 32 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in ANWR, NPRA and the Central North Slope in Alaska (USGS)
- 31.4 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the East Greenland Rift Basins Province (USGS)
- 7.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the West Greenland–East Canada Province (USGS)
- 4.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Bakken shale formation in North Dakota and Montana (USGS)
- 3.65 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Devonian-Mississippian Bakken Formation (USGS)
- 1.6 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Eastern Great Basin Province (USGS)
- 1.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Permian Basin Province (USGS)
- 1.1 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Powder River Basin Province (USGS)
- 990 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Portion of the Michigan Basin (USGS)
- 393 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. San Joaquin Basin Province of California (USGS)
- 214 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Illinois Basin (USGS)
- 172 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Yukon Flats of East-Central Alaska (USGS)
- 131 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Southwestern Wyoming Province (USGS)
- 109 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Montana Thrust Belt Province (USGS)
- 104 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Denver Basin Province (USGS)
- 98.5 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin Province (USGS)
- 94 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Hanna, Laramie, Shirley Basins Province (USGS)

For Comparison:
- 260 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Saudi Arabia (EIA)
- 80 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Venezuela (EIA)

Reserve Speculation:
- 580 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Russia's Arctic Ocean Shelf (Source)
- 400 Billion barrels of oil are estimated under the Arctic Ocean (Source)

Brazil reports massive oil discovery (WorldNetDaily)
Billions of gallons of oil in North Dakota, Montana (WorldNetDaily)
Finding New Oil In Long-exhausted Oil Wells (Science Daily)
Huge Oil Reservoir May Lie Under Northern Plains (FOX News)
Massive Canadian Oilfield Could Be Exploited Using New System (Science Daily)
Massive oil field found under Gulf (WorldNetDaily)
Mexico discovers 'huge' oil field (BBC)
Russia’s largest field is far from depleted (WorldNetDaily)
Saudi Arabia: 1.2 trillion barrels of oil or more (WorldNetDaily)
Tens Of Billions Of Additional Barrels Of Oil Remain To Be Tapped Miles Below Gulf Of Mexico, Cornell Geologist Says (Science Daily)
The Oil Sands Of Alberta (CBS News)
Thunder Horse in the Gulf (WorldNetDaily)
Ultra-low Cost Well Monitoring Could Save Thousands Of Marginal Oil Wells (Science Daily)

Shale Oil:
Shale Oil (Video) (5min)
America Needs A (Shale) Oil Change (Investor's Business Daily)

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