Sunday, April 10, 2011

Report Questions Wind Power’s Ability to Deliver Electricity When Most Needed

1. 'Wind turbines will generate on average 30% of their rated capacity over a year'
In fact, the average output from wind was 27.18% of metered capacity in 2009, 21.14% in 2010, and 24.08% between November 2008 and December 2010 inclusive.

2. 'The wind is always blowing somewhere'
On 124 separate occasions from November 2008 to December 2010, the total generation from the windfarms metered by National Grid was less than 20MW (a fraction of the 450MW expected from a capacity in excess of 1600 MW). These periods of low wind lasted an average of 4.5 hours.

3. 'Periods of widespread low wind are infrequent.'
Actually, low wind occurred every six days throughout the 26-month study period. The report finds that the average frequency and duration of a low wind event of 20MW or less between November 2008 and December 2010 was once every 6.38 days for a period of 4.93 hours.

4. 'The probability of very low wind output coinciding with peak electricity demand is slight.'
At each of the four highest peak demand points of 2010, wind output was extremely low at 4.72%, 5.51%, 2.59% and 2.51% of capacity at peak demand.

5. 'Pumped storage hydro can fill the generation gap during prolonged low wind periods.'
The entire pumped storage hydro capacity in the UK can provide up to 2788MW for only 5 hours then it drops to 1060MW, and finally runs out of water after 22 hours.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An the Survey says.

The results of this poll were released in the congressional Energy and Commerce committee which I am told shocked Waxman into a rare silence (at least temporary).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

no collective bargaining rights for federal workers

OOPS! That right-wing extremist Jimmy Carter and the Democrat congress passed the law which prohibited Federal employees to collectively bargain.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"We can't control the weather,"

Et pourtant ils ont convaincus les politicien et le public « les payeurs de taxe » que de dépenser des milliards sur sais cochonnerie que ça allait changer les climats. La semaine prochaine on va voir comment les panneaux solaires sont efficaces sous 2 pieds de neige.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Light-bulb law sickening

These lights contain almost as much mercury as a mercury filling. You get more mercury from eating tuna. These are not the only choice you have you also may purchase Halogen or LED lights. The old lights are 98% inefficient with the majority of power used converted to heat. The only real casualty here will be the easy bake oven. Tossing the old bulbs just makes sense and God forbid we do what is the right thing and improve the enviroment we live in. The C02 scare scam as some refer to it is listed by the US military as the largest threat to US security and world peace. If you think it is all a bunch of BS take a look at world food production and how it is being effected by this so called scam. Or the the changes in weather over the last 50 years in this country which have shown as much as a 63% decrease in cold weather days. Cold weather days are days that are -15 C. Yeah all a big scam to make people aware that this Natural Cycle which has not appeared in nature in over 650,000 is all business as ussual and that human pollution is not contributing to any of the problems. Take a few minutes and learn about global dimming as well as acidification of the worlds oceans caused by excessive C02 or the changes in the jet stream, Glacial melt or ocean temperature rise. Think on this, at one time the earth had C02 levels 10 times higher than now, there just was no life on the surface of the earth at the time.
If these So Call CFL Lamps are so good, why do we need a Law to impose/force them on to the Public?“ the majority of power used converted to heat” and If the Heat from the Incandescent lamps is removed this mean that we will have to turn up the Thermostats a “tad” up to compensate for the loss and resulting in more fuel being use. Is that not counter to what these poison lamps are suppose to do? “ Some improvement to the environment we live in.
“World food production has decline” No! world food production has not decline it is growing food for fuel instead of growing it to feed people that has decline Another wonderful gift from the environmentalist.Even Al Gore admits that this was the wrong thing to do.
“Or the the changes in weather over the last 50” Thank God it changes…what should the weather do? Stay the same?
“63% decrease in cold weather days” Where is that occurring? Even the high priest Phil Jones from the MECCA of the Environmental religion The UK MET Office/IPCC stated that “there has been no statistically significant warming since 1995 and between 2002 and 2009, the global temperatures had declined 0.12C (0.22F).” But! But! But! How can that be since CO2 is going up?
“this Natural Cycle which has not appeared in nature in over 650,000” ? 30 years ago it was cooling.30 years before that it was warming and before that cooling and so on.. seem to me that every 30 some years we do have a NATURAL weather/climate cycle.
“Think on this, at one time the earth had C02 levels 10 times higher than now, there just was no life on the surface of the earth at the time.” And that was when Antarctica turned into a block of Ice. While at the same time Life was flourishing in other areas.
And I am Sure at some point in our planet Billion years history that there was no life on earth.

We were told by now our children would not know what snow was... some of us do remember. Global Dimming? Check the tribune History and you will find some of my post regarding GD more then 3 years ago...( I think it is on my blog ).. Co2 is not a pollutant so what is the point of talking Pollution when there is no connection. Pollution is a problem we must deal with but for the right reason not emotional speculation regarding CO2. The only place where CO2 is a catastrophic global warming Gas is Inside a Computer Model, Not from Observed data. If one want? one can say that anything anytime anywhere can cause AGW. Example: Storms are cause by Global warming..How do we know? well we have storms. Another One a Flat tire will cause a car to ran out of Gas ! How do you know .. Well I had a flat tire and I ran out of Gas... It is call The Illogical Logic. Any thing can be cause by Global Warming .. a Bridge comes down GW . A Street Riot GW, floods ,droughts , Donuts Holes, Snow GW, no Snow GW Cold Hot ..even the Ocean Alkaline solution can be call Acidification if you try very hard.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Weather Isn't Getting Weirder

Global-warming alarmists insist that economic activity is the problem, when the available evidence show it to be part of the solution

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Predicting the Pakistan floods

Predicting the Pakistan floods is as easy as predicting that Joe Romm was going to blame political unrest on........ Global Warming.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Climate "Consensus" Opiate, The 97% Solution

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Arctic sea Ice

In 2007 we were told " The First year ice is to thin and Might last the 2007 summer melt".
2008 same story " The Second year Ice is to thin and Might last the 2008 summer melt".
Of course non sense speculation that the Ice would be gone was even dated.

2009 came and by this time "The good old third year ice, " Yawn" ,would all be gone by 2020".
While I was debating and asking the Carbonistas " If you have an increase of yearly ice how can you claim that this ice increase is a decrease?
This is were I usually get the Deer caught in car Headlights look..... and then the usual Childish Insults ..Oh Yea ! Oh Yea ! well my dad can beat your dad!!!! type of thing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

let it snow

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But our fraud is so delightful,
So off to Cancun we'll go,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

We have no plans for stopping,
And your cash we'll soon be copping;
The curly lights really blow,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

When we've given you a good fright,
About some drought or a storm;
And if we get our way you might,
Not be able to keep yourself warm.

The fraud is slowly dying,
And, my dear, we're all still lying,
But as long as we're in Mexico.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friends of Nemaiah Valley

"Politically, he says, all these groups are "involved in political agitation and keeping things off balance as much as possible."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fish Lake the Con Job.

Again the Environmentalist and the Natives have taken the Liars road to accomplish their goals. The Natives do not want the Prosperity mine to proceed, instead of committing themselves to fight against the mine and the destruction of Fish Lake on principles and honest objections to the project, they choose to lie, distort, intimidate with threat of violence if the mine is to proceed. If the natives fishes the lake "regularly", why is it the people who REALLY camp and fish there for 6 weeks at a time, have not seen them? Why is it that if Fish Lake is a "an important food fishery" then how is it that the only native people seen up there in 20 years were SENT THERE 3 years ago, "by the chiefs" and also said, "we don't fish here, it's too far from home and the road is too bad." And “ We do not eat them fish they are too small and do not taste good”
I guess mining companies don't have the exclusive on disinformation, propaganda and false claims.

I personally have no problem if the project is terminated by solid, scientific and rational reasons. BUT if it is terminated by propaganda, lies, blackmail and coercion, then I will have a huge problem.
If this mine goes ahead, and the threatened blockades appear, don't be too surprised if "counter-blockades " appear, also.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Congressman Calls For Schools To ‘Promote The Agenda’ Of Climate Change, Population Limitation

“Like I keep saying over and over again, if you get young people invested in those ideas early on, that will result in those kinds of positive policy developments," Sarbanes told "So, whether it’s climate change, whether it’s population growth, whether it’s all these factors that impact the health of our world, raising that awareness early among young people is only going to promote the agenda.”

Friday, September 24, 2010

Questioning the Arctic Ice Melt and Temperature Scare

First, let’s look at the expanded definition of ‘Arctic.’ If you headed south from the Arctic toward the equator would you expect the weather to change? Well, you don’t have to be smarter than a fifth grader to know that the further you got away from the Arctic Circle the more likely the weather wouldn’t be as severe. One unreported fact about the Arctic is that its geographical boundaries have been expanded. Several years ago the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) decided to expand the Arctic by about 50% or approximately 4 million square miles. (2) Have you seen or heard about this from the media?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

CO2 levels have been 10 to 20 times higher than the present during multiple periods of Earth's history without causing a 'tipping point' of no return'

'An entire ice age came and went with CO2 levels about 11 times higher than the present throughout the Ordovician period' -- 'Antarctica abruptly transitioned from a warm, subtropical hothouse to the present solid ice sheet during a period when CO2 levels exceeded those of today by 10 times'

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Global Warming Alarmist Calls For Eco-Gulags To Re-Educate Climate Deniers

The heart of Linkola’s dark philosophy revolves around the need to slaughter masses of humans. “If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating if it meant millions of people would die,” he writes.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It is confirmed IPCC not a scientific body

Let’s face it, we are an intergovernmental body and our strength and acceptability of what we produce is largely because we are owned by governments. If that was not the case, then we would be like any other scientific body that maybe producing first-rate reports but don’t see the light of the day because they don’t matter in policy-making. Now clearly, if it’s an inter-governmental body and we want governments’ ownership of what we produce, obviously they will give us guidance of what direction to follow, what are the questions they want answered. IPCC Head Rajendra Pachauri.

And let's not forget about the Guessing.. Pachauri " You really don't have a quantitative base by which you can attach a probability or a level of uncertainty that defines things in quantitative terms'

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

THE END OF THE IPCC ? naaa! Move along nothing to see here.

InterAcademy Council Report on the IPCC Released
Following controversy over the IPCC's 2007 assessment report, last March the UN and the IPCC asked the IAC to assemble a committee to review the processes and procedures of the IPCC. The 12-member committee from ten countries and headed by Harold Shapiro of Princeton University released its report on August 30. Unlike the Climategate inquiries, this one is no whitewash. Key recommendations (see Chapter 5 of the report) include:

1. Modernizing the IPCC's management structure to include an Executive Committee, a rigorous conflict of interest* policy and limiting the term of the Chair to one term only;
2. Strengthening the review process to ensure more effective responses to reviewer comments;
3. Characterizing and communicating uncertainties, particularly with regard to the level-of-understanding and likelihood scales used in the IPCC reports;
4. Developing an effective communications strategy that emphasizes transparency, rapid and thoughtful responses;
5. Increasing transparency, including explicit documentation that a range of scientific viewpoints** has been considered;
6. Clarifying use of unpublished and non-peer-reviewed sources;
7. Engaging the best regional experts;
8. Expediting approval of the Summary for Policy Makers;
9. Reducing the growing burden on the scientific community, for example, by having shorter reports focusing on key issues or significant new developments; and
10. Maintaining flexibility.

* Chapter 4 of the report deals extensively with the conflict-of-interest question, noting that no such policy exists for the IPCC and that questions were raised about its Chair's (i.e., Rajendra Pachauri's) service with some for-profit energy companies and the practice of Lead Authors reviewing their own work (p. 46.)
** Chapter 2, page 20, notes John Christy's presentation that alternative views are not always cited in a chapter if a Lead Author disagrees with them.

Morano: 'The IAC has once again revealed that the UN IPCC is merely a partisan error-riddled pressure group campaigning for their cause. Quite simply, the IPCC is the best science that politics and activists could manufacture. Skeptics worldwide should rally around the discredited UN IPCC chief Pachauri. The longer Pachauri stays, the more damage he does to the pitiful IPCC process. Viva Pachauri!'

UK Telegraph: 'Flawed science': 'UN IPCC was rightly warned not to stray into what might be seen as scaremongering and policy advocacy'

Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook: 'The IPCC report is filled with statements of '90% certainty' without even saying 90% of what or providing any basis for such statements. Yet those pronouncements of certainty were used over and over as though that had been scientifically proven somehow'

Monday, August 30, 2010

Arctic Sea Ice Taking a Turn for the Worse

As usual theslutblog is at it again. How do you get a first ,second and multi-year ice if it is melting?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Settled Climate Science is Unsettled – Again

Earth rotation and wind control sea currents .

Hundreds of dead penguins dot Brazil's beaches

Friday, May 21, 2010

Leaked Document Shows Spain's "Green" Policies Are An Economic Disaster

Global warming proposals could experience rough seas in the UK

Leaked Document Shows Spain's "Green" Policies Are An Economic Disaster
According to the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Pajamas Media has received a leaked internal assessment produced by Spain's Zapatero administration. This assessment confirms the catastrophic economic failure of Spain's "green economy" initiatives. On eight occasions US President Obama has referred to these policies as being the model he envisions for America.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tree-huggers and loggers bury hatchet

Yes of course that will happen only when Pigs fly.
I cannot believe that the forest industry is giving up to blackmail.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Australian Government Puts Emissions on Back Burner

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the Rudd Government has put off indefinitely a Senate vote, which was due next month, on its emissions scheme. Last December the Senate rejected the trading scheme for a second time. The opposition and the Greens were combining to fight a third attempt. The latest delay means that the Government is running out of time to pass the scheme in time for its start date of July 1, 2011. A spokesman representing investment banks, including Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, expressed disappointment over the postponement.

Cash from EU Green Plan to Fund Coal Plants

Cash from EU Green Plan to Fund Coal Plants
Documents leaked to The Independent suggest that European countries will be able to use money from an EU emissions-reduction scheme to build new coal-fired power plants. This bizarre situation arises from concessions made to new and poorer EU states such as Poland when the EU was drawing up its "20-20-20" regime (cut emissions by 20% and secure 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020.) After 2013, 100% of emissions permits across Europe will be sold, generating enormous revenues (e.g., £40 billion from the UK alone by 2020). According to the leaked papers, some of these funds could be used to provide up to 15% of the costs of "highly-efficient CCS-ready power plants."

German Chancellor Abandons Aim of Binding Climate Agreement

German Chancellor Abandons Aim of Binding Climate Agreement
Der Spiegel Online reports that, frustrated by outcome of the Copenhagen conference last December, Chancellor Angela Merkel is quietly moving away from her goal of a binding agreement limiting climate change to 2ºC. She has also signaled at the EU level that she no longer supports Europe going it alone. The Chancellor realizes the limits of Germany's influence after China and India refused to agree to curb their emissions. The Spiegel article contains some quotes from a heated, three-way argument in Copenhagen.,1518,691194,00.html

Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lyin' for Climate Indoctrination

Oxburgh Report Released

After three weeks of work, the international panel headed by Lord Oxburgh to examine the research at the Climatic Research Unit submitted its five-page report to the University of East Anglia on April 12. Among its conclusions, the panel found no evidence of deliberate scientific malpractice at the CRU, but was surprised by lack of involvement by professional statisticians in an area (temperature data) that depends so heavily on statistical methods. In the second link Stephen McIntyre critiques the Oxburgh report calling it "flimsy and embarrassing," and in the third the Vice-Chancellor of the UEA calls the report "a great relief." The fourth link describes the views of Prof. David Hand, a member of the panel and head of the Royal Statistical Society, on the hockey stick graph.

UN's Climate Bible Gets 21 "F"s on Report Card