Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Giant iceberg set to calve from Larsen C Ice Shelf

n ice shelf is a floating extension of land-based glaciers which flow into the ocean. Because they already float in the ocean, their melting does not directly contribute to sea-level rise. However, ice shelves act as buttresses holding back glaciers flowing down to the coast. Larsen A and B ice shelves, which were situated further north on the Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed in 1995 and 2002, respectively. This resulted in the dramatic acceleration of glaciers behind them, with larger volumes of ice entering the ocean and contributing to sea-level rise.
The largest icebergs known have all calved from ice shelves. In 1956, a huge iceberg of roughly 32,000 km² – bigger than Belgium – was spotted in the Ross Sea by a US Navy icebreaker. However, since there were no satellites in orbit at this point, its exact size was not verified. In 1986, a section of the Filchner ice shelf roughly the size of Wales calved – but this iceberg broke into three pieces almost immediately. The largest iceberg recorded by satellites calved from the Ross ice shelf in 2001, and was roughly the size of Jamaica at 11,000 km².
The below video shows footage from the breakup of the Wilkins ice shelf, also on the Antarctic Peninsula, in 2008.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Alaska's temperature

HERE                        It says "
"This just in: 2012 was the coldest year of the new century in Fairbanks, and the second coldest here in the last 40 years.
Fairbanks isn’t the only chilly place in Alaska. Average temperatures at 19 of 20 long-term National Weather Service stations displayed a cooling trend from 2000 to 2010, according a recent study written up by Gerd Wendler, Blake Moore and Lian Chen of the Alaska Climate Research Center".

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


“If you fund scientists to find evidence of something, they will be happy to find it for you. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming .

How did we ever get to this point where bad science is driving big government to punish the citizens for living the good life that fossil fuels provide for us?

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Long Green Nazi Shadow

HERE    In the 1930s, National Socialism spawned the ecological cult of sustainable development. This was particularly true with regard to Nazi sustainable forestry practices, environmental social engineering over private property, and the concept of spatial planning over entire landscapes. While environmental historians often use Hitler’s Four Year economic war plan from 1936-40 to demonstrate the Nazis were not all that green, they have failed, perhaps willfully so, to grasp that it was precisely the tension between green Nazism and Nazi racism that helped usher into the Third Reich what is otherwise known today as sustainable development.
Indeed, the extremely popular Nazi slogan “blood and soil” essentially meant sustainable development. The presumption was that German blood, native to its own soil, would properly develop the fatherland apart from the corrupting influences of the global economy purportedly run by Jews in both Western capitalism and international communism, where the virtues of industry and industrial economy were everywhere extolled as evidences of humanistic progress – values which the Nazis loathed. Green Nazi philosopher MartinHeidegger propounded an authentic Aryan technology that would be healthy and limited by the natural soil in which it was indigenously developed. Such a sustainable technology would prevent it from spinning out of control into a superficial global homogenization alien to local populations.