IT IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT. .--------------------------------------------------------------- Informations qui ne sont jamais publié sur les ondes Socialist de Radio Canada. this is not a blog. Just some articles and reference files I saved over the years to see how this AGW war evolved.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Lord Oxburgh, the climate science peer, ‘has a conflict of interest’
Lord Oxburgh is to chair a scientific assessment panel that will examine the published science of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. Climate sceptics questioned whether Lord Oxburgh, chairman of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association and the wind energy company Falck Renewables, was truly independent because he led organisations that depended on climate change being seen as an urgent problem.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
ClimateGate Goes Back to 1980
Those of you who still believe that the ClimateGate scandal was just a bunch of emails in England should read this article. James Hansen of GISS appears to have systematically adjusted the historical temperature record to remove a cold patch in the ‘70s in order to exaggerate the rise since.
Réchauffement climatique : la grande manip' ?
Les climato-sceptiques s'élèvent contre les conclusions du GIEC (groupement international d'études climatiques). Arguments, contre-arguments, qui croire dans cette bataille où les vrais motivations des partis ne sont pas toujours connues ?
GIEC= (groupement international d'études climatiques)
IPCC = ( Intergovernmental panel on climate change)
GIEC= (groupement international d'études climatiques)
IPCC = ( Intergovernmental panel on climate change)
En fin de traduction ça c’est vache! Enlever le Mot « Gouvernement » démontre un manque de respect enver le peuple .
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Grandaddy of green, James Lovelock, warms to eco-sceptics
“I think you have to accept that the sceptics have kept us sane — some of them, anyway,” he said. “They have been a breath of fresh air. They have kept us from regarding the science of climate change as a religion. It had gone too far that way. There is a role for sceptics in science. They shouldn’t be brushed aside. It is clear that the angel side wasn’t without sin.”
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Money Trail
The Science and Public Policy Institute has published a five-page essay by Joanne Nova that compares the funding for climate skeptics with that for the climate industry. Over ten years Exxon paid $23 million to skeptics, which has since stopped, but has spent $700 million on carbon-friendly initiatives. The US government has spent $79 billion on climate research and technology since 1989. According to the World Bank, carbon trading reached a turnover of $126 billion in 2008. A commissioner from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission forecasts a $2 trillion carbon market in five years .
Benny Peiser: The West's Policy Approach is Wrong
Interviewed in the Financial Chronicle of India, social anthropologist Benny Peiser lists the errors in the West's climate change policies. These result from the Copenhagen failure and the IPCC's problems, green taxes in Europe, and the effects of rising fuel prices on poor people and developing countries. Even if one accepts the IPCC's science, the worst case scenario resulting from climate change is that in 100 years the world will be only six times as rich as now, instead of seven.
Carbon Tax Casts a Pall over UK Industry
According to The Journal, UK Energy Minister Lord Hunt admitted that the EU's emissions trading scheme could hit the North East's industrial heartland, with companies going bust or moving abroad. Nevertheless the minister considers it "entirely appropriate" that the UK be part of the European emissions trading system.
New Technique Shows Roman Warm Period Warmer than Present Day
The Global Warming Policy Foundation and Watts Up With That describe a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science in which researchers used shells of bivalve mollusks in Iceland to determine proxies of temperatures from 360 BC to 1660 AD. Because the mollusks live only 2-9 years and their shell growths vary with temperature, it is possible to see finer changes than with tree rings. The paper shows that the Roman Warm Period was warmer than the Medieval Warm Period. Warm and cold periods within the MWP correspond with the rise and decline of Norse settlements in Iceland and Greenland.
Green Energy Bubbles
Writing in the National Post, columnist Terence Corcoran notes that, while investment analysts are advising their clients to get out of solar power firms and are warning about the continuing risks in wind and bioenergy schemes, two provinces in Canada continue pumping money into alternative energy. Ontario's Green Energy Act includes a "feed-in tariff" that forces power distributors to pay 44 ¢/kWh for solar, 13.5 ¢/kWh for wind power and 80 ¢/kWh for power from solar power delivered from roof top systems. In B.C., Premier Gordon Campbell promises a new fast track for alternative energy projects.
Benny Peiser: The West's Policy Approach is Wrong
Interviewed in the Financial Chronicle of India, social anthropologist Benny Peiser lists the errors in the West's climate change policies. These result from the Copenhagen failure and the IPCC's problems, green taxes in Europe, and the effects of rising fuel prices on poor people and developing countries. Even if one accepts the IPCC's science, the worst case scenario resulting from climate change is that in 100 years the world will be only six times as rich as now, instead of seven.
Carbon Tax Casts a Pall over UK Industry
According to The Journal, UK Energy Minister Lord Hunt admitted that the EU's emissions trading scheme could hit the North East's industrial heartland, with companies going bust or moving abroad. Nevertheless the minister considers it "entirely appropriate" that the UK be part of the European emissions trading system.
New Technique Shows Roman Warm Period Warmer than Present Day
The Global Warming Policy Foundation and Watts Up With That describe a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science in which researchers used shells of bivalve mollusks in Iceland to determine proxies of temperatures from 360 BC to 1660 AD. Because the mollusks live only 2-9 years and their shell growths vary with temperature, it is possible to see finer changes than with tree rings. The paper shows that the Roman Warm Period was warmer than the Medieval Warm Period. Warm and cold periods within the MWP correspond with the rise and decline of Norse settlements in Iceland and Greenland.
Green Energy Bubbles
Writing in the National Post, columnist Terence Corcoran notes that, while investment analysts are advising their clients to get out of solar power firms and are warning about the continuing risks in wind and bioenergy schemes, two provinces in Canada continue pumping money into alternative energy. Ontario's Green Energy Act includes a "feed-in tariff" that forces power distributors to pay 44 ¢/kWh for solar, 13.5 ¢/kWh for wind power and 80 ¢/kWh for power from solar power delivered from roof top systems. In B.C., Premier Gordon Campbell promises a new fast track for alternative energy projects.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Wind Energy: The Case of Denmark
The Danish Centre for Political Studies (CEPOS) has completed a 39-page report on the state of the Danish wind energy program. Part 1 of the report describes the real state-of-play and its hidden costs. Though Denmark claims to derive 20% of its electricity from wind power, over a five year period it actually provided only 9.7% and required interties to Norway and Sweden for short-term load balancing. This required that about half of the wind power be exported to these countries, where it supplanted hydro-generated electricity, and was paid for by Danish consumers. In Part 2, CEPOS notes that, while the Danish wind industry employs 28,000, each job is subsidized by $90,000 - $140,000 per year.
Global Warming: Gore vs Gunter
The National Post published Al Gore's op-ed piece of February 27 from The NY Times with a rebuttal by Lorne Gunter. Mr. Gore dismisses the recent scandals IPCC and University of East Anglia - the latter caused by the onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics. He reaffirms his belief in man-made global warming (the "overwhelming consensus") as a growing crisis that can't be wished away. Mr. Gunter responds that the temperature trend over the last 12 years has been flat, and refers to Phil Jones' admission that there has been no statistically significant warming for 15 years. Mr. Gunter concludes that there is no consensus on climate science. 02/28/opinion/28gore.html?scp= 2&sq=al%20gore&st=cse story.html?id=2653334
Tim Ball: Political Agendas Continue to Drive Climate Fiasco
Writing in the Canada Free Press, Dr. Tim Ball argues that the greatest scandal connected to global warming is the continued political exploitation, fraud and destruction of the economy. President Obama pursues green jobs and cap-and-trade policies that have failed elsewhere. Dr. Ball summarizes the cover up surrounding climategate and previous apocalyptic predictions of the past, e.g., the 1974 Club of Rome report.
In the second CFP article Dr. Ball examines the British Columbia example (the Climate Action Plan). In the third one he states that the IPCC science is designed for propaganda. index.php/article/20782 index.php/article/20276 index.php/article/19702
The Danish Centre for Political Studies (CEPOS) has completed a 39-page report on the state of the Danish wind energy program. Part 1 of the report describes the real state-of-play and its hidden costs. Though Denmark claims to derive 20% of its electricity from wind power, over a five year period it actually provided only 9.7% and required interties to Norway and Sweden for short-term load balancing. This required that about half of the wind power be exported to these countries, where it supplanted hydro-generated electricity, and was paid for by Danish consumers. In Part 2, CEPOS notes that, while the Danish wind industry employs 28,000, each job is subsidized by $90,000 - $140,000 per year.
Global Warming: Gore vs Gunter
The National Post published Al Gore's op-ed piece of February 27 from The NY Times with a rebuttal by Lorne Gunter. Mr. Gore dismisses the recent scandals IPCC and University of East Anglia - the latter caused by the onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics. He reaffirms his belief in man-made global warming (the "overwhelming consensus") as a growing crisis that can't be wished away. Mr. Gunter responds that the temperature trend over the last 12 years has been flat, and refers to Phil Jones' admission that there has been no statistically significant warming for 15 years. Mr. Gunter concludes that there is no consensus on climate science.
Tim Ball: Political Agendas Continue to Drive Climate Fiasco
Writing in the Canada Free Press, Dr. Tim Ball argues that the greatest scandal connected to global warming is the continued political exploitation, fraud and destruction of the economy. President Obama pursues green jobs and cap-and-trade policies that have failed elsewhere. Dr. Ball summarizes the cover up surrounding climategate and previous apocalyptic predictions of the past, e.g., the 1974 Club of Rome report.
In the second CFP article Dr. Ball examines the British Columbia example (the Climate Action Plan). In the third one he states that the IPCC science is designed for propaganda.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Cartoons by Josh
The cartoons are my copyright [see footer for terms] but feel free to post them on blogs or link to this page.
I will add more cartoons to this page as I do them.
I will add more cartoons to this page as I do them.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels
Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels
Study claimed in 2009 that sea levels would rise by up to 82cm by the end of century – but the report's author now says true estimate is still unknown.
The paper – entitled "Constraints on future sea-level rise from past sea-level change" – used fossil coral data and temperature records derived from ice-core measurements to reconstruct how sea level has fluctuated with temperature since the peak of the last ice age, and to project how it would rise with warming over the next few decades.
In a statement the authors of the paper said: "Since publication of our paper we have become aware of two mistakes which impact the detailed estimation of future sea level rise. This means that we can no longer draw firm conclusions regarding 21st century sea level rise from this study without further work.
and all the scientists and uneducated stupid ignorant common sense people who dared point out the mistakes were called "Deniers" and shill for the oil industry.
Study claimed in 2009 that sea levels would rise by up to 82cm by the end of century – but the report's author now says true estimate is still unknown.
The paper – entitled "Constraints on future sea-level rise from past sea-level change" – used fossil coral data and temperature records derived from ice-core measurements to reconstruct how sea level has fluctuated with temperature since the peak of the last ice age, and to project how it would rise with warming over the next few decades.
In a statement the authors of the paper said: "Since publication of our paper we have become aware of two mistakes which impact the detailed estimation of future sea level rise. This means that we can no longer draw firm conclusions regarding 21st century sea level rise from this study without further work.
and all the scientists and uneducated stupid ignorant common sense people who dared point out the mistakes were called "Deniers" and shill for the oil industry.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
by Joseph D’Aleo and Anthony Watts.
Five organizations publish global temperature data. Two – Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) and the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) – are satellite datasets. The three terrestrial institutions – NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) – all depend on data supplied by ground stations via NOAA.
Around 1990, NOAA began weeding out more than three-quarters of the climate measuring stations around the world. They may have been working under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It can be shown that they systematically and purposefully, country by country, removed higher-latitude, higher-altitude and rural locations, all of which had a tendency to be cooler.
Five organizations publish global temperature data. Two – Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) and the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) – are satellite datasets. The three terrestrial institutions – NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) – all depend on data supplied by ground stations via NOAA.
Around 1990, NOAA began weeding out more than three-quarters of the climate measuring stations around the world. They may have been working under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It can be shown that they systematically and purposefully, country by country, removed higher-latitude, higher-altitude and rural locations, all of which had a tendency to be cooler.
Friday, February 19, 2010
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