Monday, April 1, 2013

Global Warming and Eugenics

“ The sad story of Eugenics is the story of human fallibility, of people who resorted to extreme theories while being convinced that they were absolutely right. While citing science to support their presumptions, they ignored the basic principle of true science. “The pseudo-science behind eugenics was based on a crude misconception of heredity” which assumed that the "feeble-minded" inevitably passed on their pathology to their offspring.” This false biology was an important propaganda under the Hitler regime and obviously still alive if one believe in the G&M article. I am disgusted that such an article can be published without a protest from the CBC, other news outlet and by ( HERE) . This is not what freedom of the press or freedom of speech mean…This is hate speech pure and simple. The Germans also claim to have the science behind them. I use to ask how such educated people could have possibly become so dehumanized. Then I read the Garbage from that article and I got my answer. Sadly I can see how the “Eugenics” grotesque behavior is still with us like an infected boil. It was the LEFT who brought us the Horror of Canadians (EUGENICS)” The Alberta Eugenics Board took on a life of its own. Neither the wave of revulsion that followed the revelations of Hitler's policies to "purify" the German people, nor the strong repudiation of eugenics ideas by leading scientists had any impact on the operation of the board, which continued its work with the full support of the Social Credit government. The new Conservative government of Peter Lougheed finally erased the law in 1972. “And the Lefties ,as seen by the above post ,are still embracing this sickness.

The same words ,behavior and pseudo-science is still being use today to shut down any descending voices, as posted in the Grope and Mail,… they have Changed the name but the thinking behind it is the same. I do not give a hoot if it is from the left or the right! This kind of garbage should not be allowed in a civilized society! Since we all know, but have forgotten the damaged it can do to innocent victims of this intolerant and prejudice behavior. To have someone actually post such sickness on this web site for all to read without any shame is perplexing.
As a add on.. I choose to watch what I want and when I want . I have been watching Fox for about a year and Sun news not as long. I have yet to see anything remotely intolerant, racist, full of hate and lack of Impartiality like I watch on the CBC and other Left wing news outlets. Every time I hear a lefty makes some idiotic remarks regarding non left news media, that’s my Q that there must be something good about that media .. If the left hates it ? It has to be good.

James Hansen of NASA wanted trials for climate skeptics, accusing them of high crimes against humanity

Robert Kennedy Jr. called climate skeptics traitors

Yvo de Boer of the UN called climate skepticism criminally irresponsible

David Suzuki called for politicians who ignore climate science to be jailed

DeSmogBlog’s James Hoggan wants skeptics treated as war criminals (video)

Joe Romm encourages the idea that skeptics will be strangled in their beds

A blogger at TPM pondered when it would be acceptable to execute climate deniers

Heidi Cullen of The Weather Channel called for skeptical forecasters to be decertified

Bernie Sanders compared climate skeptics to Nazi appeasers.

[Not to mention Greenpeace declaring that they know where you live...

and Clive Hamilton who tried to turn your children against you--JN]

So you can take your false accusations against Joanne and compress them until they exceed the Schwarzschild Limit and are sucked into your black hole. Your heroes are the ones counseling violence and hatred. After you deal with that, you can preach to us. Until then, it’s just simple garden variety hypocrisy.'It is simply not true we are 'addicted to oil'. We are addicted to higher life-expectancy, lower infant mortality, higher standard of living, hospitals, dentistry... all the things that come' carbon based energy -- 'High energy prices punish the poor, minorities, seniors on a fixed income'

the ice age scare

It is well known that there were many articles in the likes of Time Magazine and Newsweek back in the 70’s, which sensationalised the ice age scare. Warmists tend to write off this episode as just media hype. But what were the scientists saying at the time?

HH Lamb was one of the leading climate scientists at the time and founded the Climatic Research Unit at the UEA. In 1973 he wrote an article, “Is The Earth’s Climate Changing?”, for the UNESCO magazine, “The Courier”. It was a special edition devoted to climate issues and in it, HH Lamb covered a number of issues.
Early 20th Century Warming
  • Computations in the United States from surface air temperature observations all over the world show that from the 1880s to some time after 1940 the Earth’s climate was becoming generally warmer. The global warming over those years amounted to about half a degree Centigrade, but in the Arctic it was much stronger and amounted to several degrees between 1920 and 1940.
  • The ice on the Arctic seas decreased in extent by about 10 per cent and decreased in general thickness by about one third. Glaciers in all parts of the world were receding, opening up new pastures and land for cultivation.
  • The greater warmth increased the length of the growing season by two to three weeks in England. The wild flora and forests, the cultivation of various crops, and the ranges of seasonal migration of birds and fish, all spread to new regions under the increasingly genial conditions.
  • Moreover, the longest temperature records available in various northern countries from the early eighteenth century (in England from the late seventeenth century) showed that the previous warming had a very long history, traceable from the beginning of the record through various shorter-term ups and downs. This meant that the warming began before the industrial revolution and could not be altogether attributable to the effects of human activity
Post 1940 Cooling
  • For the past 25 to 30 years the Earth has been getting progressively cooler again. Around 1960 the cooling was particularly sharp. And there is by now widespread evidence of a corresponding reverse in the ranges of birds and fish and the success of crops and forest trees near the poleward and altitudinal limits.
  • The decline of prevailing temperatures since about 1945 appears to be the longest-continued downward trend since temperature records began. [This period of cooling lasted about 30 years, about 5 years longer than the recent period of warming].
Effects of The Cooling
It is perhaps here that things become most interesting. According to Lamb, among the effects of the changes of climate in recent years, which have given cause for concern are:-
  • a renewed increase (especially since 1961) of the Arctic sea ice, which has created difficulties on the northern sea routes in Soviet and Canadian Arctic waters and has produced some bad seasons on the coasts of Iceland and Greenland.
  • a substantial rise, also since 1961, in the levels of the great lakes in eastern equatorial Africa and, more recently, of the Great Lakes of North America.
  • some 200-year extremes of temperature in individual cold winters in various parts of the northern hemisphere (and probably also in the warmth of summer in 1972 in northern European U.S.S.R. and Finland).
  • The most serious effects, however, have probably been the long-continued droughts and deficient rainfalls in various parts of the world associated with shifts of the world’s anticyclone belts.
  • The subtropical anticyclones associated with the desert belt were displaced somewhat towards the equator, and the equatorial rainbelt seems to have been restricted in the range of its seasonal migrations. In consequence, rainfall increased in Africa close to the equator, causing the lakes to rise, while drought began to afflict places nearer the fringe of the desert belt, no longer reliably visited in summer by "equatorial" rains.
  • Rainfall at eight places in northern India, the Sudan and at 16 to 20°N in west Africa averaged 45 per cent less in the years 1968-72 than in the 1950′s. In all these areas people have been driven from their homes by the continued failure of the rains, and in the Cape Verde Islands at the same latitude in the Atlantic an emergency was declared in 1972 because of the last five years of drought.
  • There are indications that corresponding shifts have taken place in the anticyclone and cyclone belts of the southern hemisphere and that the droughts affecting Zambia, Rhodesia and parts of the Transvaal in recent years are essentially part of the same phenomenon. [An indication that Southern Hemisphere temperatures were also falling].
  • At the same time, the shifting positions from month to month, and from one year to the next, occupied by the main anticyclone centres in this belt have introduced an abnormal variability of temperature and precipitation. A similar development may explain the sequence of droughts and floods in different parts of Australia in 1972-3.
Drought over Africa
In another article in this issue of The Courier, Jean Dresch, Professor of Geography at the University of Paris and a “leading authority” on the world’s arid zones, writes in more detail about the African drought that Lamb touched on.
  • Famine threatens millions of villagers and herdsmen with their decimated flocks, today forced into an unprecedented migration in search of food and water, in all the West African countries to the south of the Sahara, from Mauritania to the Sudan. Its cause is drought, a prolonged decline in rainfall that has been recorded as far as central Asia, throughout the periphery of the arid zone, extending from the tropical desert of the Sahara to the continental deserts of temperate Eurasia.
  • A sequence of dry years is remembered in 1910-1914, when they caused a real famine. 1941 and 1942 were no better; and dry years have been succeeding one another since 1968, whereas the decade 1951-1960 was wetter. But there is no cyclical rhythm from which to predict disasters.
Drought and Floods
Jerome Namias, “one of America’s leading weather scientists”, comments in another article, “Long Range Forecasting of Drought and Floods” :-
  • We are all aware of the ravages of natural events of the recent past, the devastating Russian drought of 1972; current drought in sub-Saharan countries, especially Mali, Mauritania and the Upper Volta, which seems to have persisted and become aggravated in the last few years; the occasional seasonal droughts in parts of India and Australia and the "Seca" or" drought which occurs in some years in northeast Brazil.
  • On the wet side,we have the eastern U.S.A. floods in June, 1972, associated, in part, with hurricane Agnes the most costly storm in U.S. history, and we remember the 1966 tragic flood of Florence. These are but a sample of spectacular events from the climatological record.
  • From time immemorial there have been occasions when nature "goes on a rampage" and makes it appear that the climate is changing. Why does nature do this? Unfortunately man does not yet fully understand the causes of these events, and therefore he is unable to predict them reliably. [He obviously did not know about the all powerful influence of a minor trace gas].
Final Word
Were they worried about what the future would bring? They might not have talked in the apocalyptic language of Time, but there was certainly concern. I will leave the final comment to HH Lamb:-
All these events have raised an anxious demand for ultra-long-range forecasting of climate, which calls for intensified effort towards understanding of the atmosphere (and its interactions with the ocean) and for further reconstruction of the facts of the past climatic record.
The full edition of The Courier is here.

Attack attack attack

Sunday, December 16, 2012

CO2 not a major climate warming gas.

Glacial ages tell us that during all four prior interglacial periods, CO2 never rose above or was around 290 ppm. This means we went from warming to cooling while CO2 concentration remained @290ppm.How did the earth get 4 interglacial periods while CO2 remain the same? We should be able to detect a rise in CO2 and then a warming period, a drop in CO2 and a cooling period, if CO2 is like we are being told a direct Global warming Climate driver, these warming and cooling periods should not have happened and the Earth's Climate should have remained the same.  Both the MEDIAVAL WARM PRERIOD and the LITTLE ICE AGE happened while CO2 was rising. Again, how can we explain the LITTLE ICE AGE if rising CO2 is supposed to cause the earth temperature to warm NOT DROP? This suggest to me  that CO2 alone cannot be a major source of Global Climate change and a multitudes of other factors are missing .Climate modelers for some reason or another have  ignored these DATA and programmed their models to show: “ a rise in CO2 cause warming .”  Today we have CO2 still on the rise and yet we have not had a rise in Global temperature in 16 years! And am I NOT supposed to question the theory that CO2 will cause catastrophic Anthropogenic Global warming?
 The entire theory of Anthropogenic Global warming or Climate Change is based on a life giving Trace gas being a danger to all life on this planet....Basically we are  being  re-educated to believe 2+2=5 and they have their pre-programmed computer models to back them up.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Those poor Eastern US states hit by Sandy are experiencing a true Earth day .A week plus long living in the dark,cold,no gas ,water, electricity ,transportation, no food ,a Week Plus of No carbon emission. Is this not what  those enviro nuts are asking from our society?  ... well there you go Zero Human Carbon Emission. How do they like the EARTH HOUR  now?

Friday, September 28, 2012

wind farms

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A real scientist VS The Unrealists

People like Herb Nakada and a lot of Indoctrinating School teachers should stop their idiotic religious belief in AGW and pay attention to Scientist Like Dyson.  


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Robert Wenzel Delivered at the New York Federal Reserve Bank

In present day America, the government focus has changed a bit. In the new focus, the government  attempts much more to prop up the unemployed by extended payments for not working. Is it really a surprise that unemployment is so high when you pay people not to work.? The 2010 Nobel Prize was awarded to economists for their studies which showed that, and I quote from the Nobel press release announcing the award:
One conclusion is that more generous unemployment benefits give rise to higher unemployment and longer search times.[2]


Friday, May 11, 2012

Charity Behaving Uncharitably

I wonder how much of this money is going to the Friends of the Nemaiah valley and then funnelled back to the anti-prosperity natives.  After all The Tides Foundation is listed on their web site.



Sunday, April 15, 2012

Angry penguin

Pete the penguin confided to this reporter, "It has gotten so we can't eat, drop a load, or even fool around with the missus without some yahoo taking a picture of the details, and we are sick of it. Penguins have rights, too, you know. They call themselves scientists, but all they are is a bunch of peeping Toms."


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why The U.S. Mental Health Care System is Not Adequately Prepared.

Global warming in the coming years will foster trauma, depression, violence, alienation, substance abuse, suicide, psychotic episodes, post traumatic stress disorder and many other mental health-related conditions.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Green crucifix

The Environmental religion also has it's own crucifix.

le Crucifie vert

Le crucifie vert

Comme toute les autre religions les Ɖcologistes ont aussi leur Crucifie.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Climate war ..It’s round thirteen

This disparity in the initial reaction is easy to account for. The punishment taken by the skeptics in the early years of the climate wars, had not destroyed them but instead produced a breed of hardy veterans, who dealt in cold realities, rather than hoped for illusions. The real difference between a veteran and an inexperienced soldier, is the former are careful while the latter are fearless.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

America’s Energy Potential, Circa 2012 A. US Petroleum

Despite Obama’s desires to shut down America’s largest single source of electricity, coal—and watch oil prices spike to European levels, the US energy sector is rounding into splendid shape. Consider just a few of our states:

1 Texas
Consider the state of US oil supply and discoveries. Just in Texas, production is exploding, with a Feb. 26, 2012 article stating,

The Permian Basin of West Texas is experiencing an oil boom. Production will double within 5-7 years, averaging last year a million barrels per day for the first time since 2001. “Right in the basin, we could get up to 2 million barrels a day,” Jim Henry of Midland-based Henry Resources claims. “We have 30 billion barrels of new oil discoveries,” said Tim Leach, chairman and CEO of Midland-based Concho Resources.

In southern Texas, the Eagle Ford play is booming. Says another author on Feb. 27, 2012,

A similar boom is under way in the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas. “I could paint a scenario for you where we are producing 3 million more barrels per day by 2016, which would almost get us to the point where we could eliminate 60 to 70 percent of our OPEC imports,” said Texas Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman.

Of course, there are other Texas oil producing areas.

2. Montana & Dakotas
Bigger than Texas—Montana and the Dakotas boast a giant petroleum field called the Bakken. On expert claimed this field holds more than 500 billon barrels. Writes one author recently on the Bakken,

Oil production in North Dakota exceeded an all-time high last month, a record of 535,036 barrels a day in December. The Bakken Shale, which extends south from Canada into North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, is the largest contiguous oil deposit in the continental U.S. (this will double the next decade).

3. California
The US government recently announced the shale of So CA could have more oil than the Bakken formation. (For all of USA, please see EIA US Review of Emerging Resources: US Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays, July 2011 {105 pages pdf}). Writes one author,

The California Monterey/Santos oil field has estimated 4 times the technically recoverable oil as Bakken Oil Field in North Dakota, an estimated 500 billion barrels. Bakken oil field estimates range from 271 billion to 503 billion barrels. Harold Hamm (billionaire owner of Continental oil) estimates Bakken will produce six times (24 billion barrels) the oil of the EIA estimate.

4. Alaska
And don’t forget Alaska, which according to this article:

Alaska’s North Slope may hold as much as 2 billion barrels of oil, the second-largest U.S. deposit of unconventional crude, and 80 trillion cubic feet of gas, the fourth-largest gas-shale deposit, the U.S. Geological Survey said today.

With only 4 states examined, much oil rich country is ignored—like the recent 1.5 billion barrel find in Colorado. Overall, American oil reserves, which also include much undiscovered in areas which ban drilling, like most coastal regions, is absolutely massive. Says one headline: USA has 7-9 trillion barrels of oil—possibly over 1 trillion barrels recoverable.

B. Natural Gas

It would be tedious to cover all the massive new natural gas deposits discovered in the last few years in America. Suffice it to say that one author titled an article: The Dawn of the Natural Gas Era. Another claims America has 500 years of gas with present reserves. Writes petroleum expert Daniel Yergin,

The biggest energy innovation of the decade is natural gas—more specifically what is called “unconventional” natural gas. Some call it a revolution. Yet the natural gas revolution has unfolded with no great fanfare, no grand opening ceremony, no ribbon cutting. It just crept up. In 1990, unconventional gas—from shales, coal-bed methane and so-called “tight” formations—was about 10% of total U.S. production. Today it is around 40%, and growing fast, with shale gas by far the biggest part.

States another source,

America has become, in the eyes of energy professionals, the Saudia Arabia of natural gas thanks to shale gas. The DOE estimates that shale gas reserves alone are 750 trillion cubic feet. Combined with other domestic sources of natural gas, the United States has enough natural gas to last for over a century, and the numbers continue to climb.

Ellesmere Ice Shelf

Late last year and early this year, various news stories reported the demise of the Ayles Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island. On Dec. 29, 2006, National Geographic reported Giant Ice Shelf Breaks Off in Canadian Arctic and on Jan 4, 2007, CNN reported the story. The catastrophe actually occurred in August 2005, but no one noticed reported it until 16 months later.

From the story:

The mass of ice broke clear 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, about 800 kilometers (497 miles) south of the North Pole, but no one was present to see it in Canada’s remote north. Scientists using satellite images later noticed that it became a newly formed ice island in just an hour and left a trail of icy boulders floating in its wake. (Watch the satellite images that clued in ice watchers) ..

The event registered as a small earthquake on instruments stationed 150 miles (250 kilometers) away, Warwick Vincent of Quebec’s Laval University told the CanWest News Service.

The Washington Post reported the story here showing the following picture from NASA. The Ayles ice shelf is visible in the center of the photograph at the lower part of the open water. They reported:

Within days of breaking free, the Ayles Ice Shelf drifted about 30 miles offshore before freezing into the sea ice.

A specialist scientist (Vincent) said that such an event was unprecedented in the tennnnnnnnnn years that he had been studying the area.

Interestingly, Hattersley-Smith 1967 (Arctic Circular 17, 13-14 noted up in Jeffries 1986) had previously observed that the Ayles Ice Shelf no longer existed. Jeffries 1986:


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Forget global warming

Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

Read more: here

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Exposure of global warming deception goes viral

take a look at the views of some of the experts, including a few candid assessments by die-hard True Believers, who reveal just how little evidence exists to keep alive the theoretical Global Warming Godzilla that lumbered onto the scene in the late 1980s.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I agree w/ Susan [Solomon] that we should try to put more in the bullet about
“Subsequent evidence” [...] Need to convince readers that there really has been
an increase in knowledge – more evidence. What is it?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Roger Harrabin received money from EAU

The investigators said some of the breaches involved direct conflicts of interests – with the funders being the subjects of the programmes they were paying for – and that others failed to observe BBC rules on telling viewers where the programme budget had come from.

Wind farms are useless

A subsidized industry cannot make profit.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Scientific heresy

Astronomy is a science; astrology is a pseudoscience.

Evolution is science; creationism is pseudoscience.

Molecular biology is science; homeopathy is pseudoscience.

Vaccination is science; the MMR scare is pseudoscience.

Oxygen is science; phlogiston was pseudoscience.

Chemistry is science; alchemy was pseudoscience.

Are you with me so far?

Matt Ridley